Swiss Franc(CHF) To Indian Rupee(INR)

Swiss Franc(CHF) To Indian Rupee(INR) Exchange Rates Today

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Swiss Franc(CHF) To Indian Rupee(INR)

This is the page of Swiss Franc (CHF) to Indian Rupee (INR) conversion, below you can find the latest exchange rate between them and is updated every 1 minutes. It shows the exchange rate of the two currencies conversion. It also shows the history chart of this currency pairs, by choosing the time period you can get more detailed information. Would you like to invert the currencies pairs? Please visit Indian Rupee(INR) To Swiss Franc(CHF).



96.48955 INR

Convert Indian Rupee To Swiss Franc

Exchange Rates Updated: Feb 07,2025 16:06 UTC

Full history please visit CHF/INR History

Convert Swiss Franc(CHF) To Indian Rupee(INR)

1 CHF =96.48955 INR0.01036 CHF =1 INR
2 CHF =192.9791 INR0.02073 CHF =2 INR
5 CHF =482.44774 INR0.05182 CHF =5 INR
10 CHF =964.89548 INR0.10364 CHF =10 INR
15 CHF =1447.34321 INR0.15546 CHF =15 INR
20 CHF =1929.79095 INR0.20728 CHF =20 INR
25 CHF =2412.23869 INR0.2591 CHF =25 INR
50 CHF =4824.47738 INR0.51819 CHF =50 INR

Swiss Franc(CHF) To Indian Rupee(INR) History Graph

History Exchange Rate

DateSwiss FrancIndian Rupee
Thursday 06/02/20251 CHF =96.77489 INR
Wednesday 05/02/20251 CHF =96.88155 INR
Tuesday 04/02/20251 CHF =96.18346 INR
Monday 03/02/20251 CHF =95.38558 INR
Sunday 02/02/20251 CHF =94.56708 INR
Saturday 01/02/20251 CHF =94.98006 INR
Friday 31/01/20251 CHF =95.17131 INR
Thursday 30/01/20251 CHF =95.23092 INR
Wednesday 29/01/20251 CHF =95.58821 INR
Tuesday 28/01/20251 CHF =95.77177 INR

Full history please visit CHF/INR Exchange Rates History

Convert 1 Swiss Franc(CHF) to other currencies

Popular Swiss Franc(CHF) Pairing

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